We are committed to improving human and animal health
About us
Founded in 2017, A&S Diagnostic Biotech Inc. develops and commercializes recombinant proteins and antibodies for diagnostic laboratories.
A&S provides its proprietary proteins and antibodies to deliver innovative research and diagnostic products, as well as services for the global rapid diagnostic laboratories and research communities.
Our specialty
We develop and commercialize recombinant proteins and antibodies.
Our products
We provide proprietary proteins and antibodies to deliver innovative research.
Our approach
We utilize our two decades of experience and focus on Lateral Flow technology.
A need for the global rapid diagnostic laboratory and research community.
Our focus
We are committed to improving human and animal health with a focus on Later Flow technologies, Western blot, and ELISA. Utilizing two decades of experience, we generated highly specific monoclonal antibodies for STD and respirate microorganisms.